Four Decades and a Deuce.

Falling in love with who I am.
I don’t have time for anything that’s gonna harm me.

Lyrics: Hello | Aqyila

This past December I celebrated my 42nd birthday. It’s been so long since I wanted to do anything in celebration of my birthday. I struggled hard with depression and anxiety for the past few years and the last thing I wanted to do was to celebrate my life. A morbid thought but a brutally honest truth. I was more than comfortable laying around in the dark, under the covers, with no one around and could feel that was the party of the century for me. But during the summer of 2023, I looked into therapy because I finally came to a point where I no longer wanted to be content in my sadness. I truly believe that helped my mindset once my birthday rolled around.

Once it got closer to my birthday, it was the first time in such a long time I planned ahead. I made a list of people and reviewed potential restaurants with my sister. That in itself shocked the hell out of me. That told me I was committed to do this and it genuinely brought me joy.

Like I mentioned before, my path to brighter days and a brighter mindset started in the summer. I had reached a point where I could no longer hide my sadness and depression. I was more irritable than normal and cried all the time. My soul hurt and it hurt bad. I was also letting negative people take over my thoughts and my space which added on to my dark cloud. Close friends heard and felt the sadness that emitted from my aura no matter how hard I hid behind smiles that I thought, with my whole heart, were pretty convincing. They were, in fact, not convincing at all. They saw through it and one friend in particular told me that they saw the dim in my light and they knew that was not who I was. As she said it with a crack in her voice, I heard it loud and clear behind the tears welling up in my eyes.

And with that, I sought out the help I knew I needed but was too afraid to ask for. After some sessions and a deep reflection of who I am and who I want to be and the impact of the positive people in my life, the dark cloud was lifting. Slowly but surely. I put myself first and weeded out the negative people and pushed away the negative thoughts. I no longer was giving them permission to invade my space. I was able to see and feel that I was deserving of good things and good people. My life deserves to be celebrated. I have been through a lot of shit and have always fought my way out of it to make sure I am there for the people I love. And I realized, I should also be there for the person I should love the most, myself.

So, as I jotted down the names of people I wanted to break bread with on my birthday. I wrote all those names down thoughtfully and with much care. Each stroke of a letter empowered me with deep love. The people who helped me celebrate my life, gave me life in one way or another. They were a mixture of people that I know genuinely want all good things for me and nothing less. Some have been in my life for 20+ years, seen the different versions of me and have stuck by me with no judgement and only loved me harder as the years added on to our friendship. Some have been acquaintances for years and have become family to me in a short period of time. I have a special feeling of gratitude for them. They loved me at a time I was feeling my worst and chose to not let me figure it all out on my own. They encouraged me to find my light. They chose to cry with me and continued to lift me up. They absolutely gave me a strong sense of women supporting women. What an amazing feeling that is!

No matter how much I express it to these special humans, they may never really know how deep my love and appreciation runs for them. But no matter where life ever leads us, they will always hold a special place in my heart because, at this stage of my life, they helped me see that I was worth celebrating. I am worth the effort. And I always have been.

Cheers to many more years of self love and happy adventures with amazing people.

My Favorite Moments. – October ’23

Man was life life-ing this month. This post is way passed due but the first half of the school year is usually pretty busy for us PTA officers. I finally got a chance to sort out the month and pick a few of my favorite moments that brought on my happy in October!

Girl Cousin Dinner | My cousins and I never really go out alone together. We have gone out for certain occasions for each other and of course huddle together during family parties. But this month was actually the first time we went out to dinner together, just us three. We went to a Korean restaurant called Daeho Kalbijjim & Beef Soup and it was so good! We broke bread and broke down together. Lol. It gave us space to catch each other up with our lives, shed some tears while we shared some struggles, and made each other laugh out loud. I talk a lot about being grateful to look at my friends and cherish my friendships with them because they are my chosen family. When I look at my two amazing cousins, I’m happy to say even if we weren’t bound by blood, I would still choose them as my family every time.

Field Trip | I was able to chaperone for Monroe’s class trip this fall at a farm in the Bay Area and it was so fun. When Kole was in 3rd grade, he visited the same farm and we were able to bring Monroe as a toddler with Kole’s class. Just another thing to show how quickly time is passing that Monroe got to enjoy this adventure with his own class. *quick pause while I cry a bit*
They did a little 15 minute hike and they got to explore the garden and help pick out veggies. The kids got to cut up the veggies and assemble their own veggie taco. My little foodie loved it! Of course that was his favorite part of the field trip. It was a beautiful day for this trip to the farm. A great time was had for sure!

Halloween | This year Kole was Spider-Man and Monroe was Superman. Although, Halloween is my least favorite event of the year, I was happy the boys still had the spirit and wanted to dress up and trick or treat. Not only that, but Kole went to his first dance and I heard he had a blast. Getting details from him or his cousin about the dance was like pulling teeth AND I STILL didn’t get the low down but I’m just happy he got out of his shell and went!
The kids never really minded if they went trick or treating or not, but for some reason, this year it was top on their list. We went trick or treating with our favorite people and had the best time. The adventure in the damn darkest of nights (Pacifica, you need more street lights!) and all the laughs were worth it after a long day of hosting Monroe’s school Trunk or Treat!

Best Friends | My favorite part of this month is that we got a sweet surprise visit from our best friends. We haven’t seen each other in person in such a long time and it was so nice and refreshing to finally be in the same space with them. Even though it was a quick visit, we crammed in some tea, some laughs, and I got to listen to a mini concert like the good old days. Any time with them I consider quality time for sure. Looking forward to many more times like that soon. Life’s too short! Be with your people! I freaking love them. Endlessly.

The month was so damn busy, I’m grateful I was able to stop and reflect on these beautiful and happy moments!
What brought on your happy this month?

My Favorite Moments – September ’23

Since the school year has started back up, this half introvert had to channel my half extrovert and go off and socialize as a good PTA officer does. I felt this month being full of meeting new parents, smiling all through Back To School Night introductions, and having PTA meetings has drowned the hell out of me. Even though I’m really good at meeting new people, meeting new people still brings up a strong dose of anxiety. But even with that taking a huge toll on me, I’m thankful I was able to find some joy this month.

Girlfriend Coffee/Dinner Dates | I was able to grab some coffee and dinner with different girlfriends this month. That is so rare to be able to do that! With our busy ass schedules, I appreciate any time I’m able to get with these wonderful women. In our conversations we were able to make each other laugh so damn hard and believe me, we ALL NEEDED THAT. We also sat there and had deep conversations about ourselves, our mental health, struggles with our kids and families, and shed some tears. We also all hella needed THAT. The quality time I had this month with these bad ass women rejuvenated me. They made me feel loved and extremely grateful for the safe space they always offer to me.
It’s the beautiful moments with these beautiful women for me!

My Dad’s Birthday | It was my dad’s birthday this month and the family gathered together after not seeing each other for a quite some time. I was really happy we were able to come together to celebrate my dad’s many years of life and celebrate the woman you gave birth to him. No, it wasn’t her birthday too but it was her LABOR day! It’s damn special to be able to celebrate my dad turning 70 and my grandma being there to celebrate with him as well. I cherish the hell out of that moment. Happy Birthday, dad!

9/20/2023 | Ryan and I celebrated our 15th wedding anniversary! Look at us! We made it here! Our journey to get here was not smooth or easy. We’ve gone through some rough shit as a couple throughout the years but we still choose to look beyond ourselves, beyond our egos and choose US. Partnerships, relationships, friendships are all hard work. Sometimes giving up is easier when things get tough. He still thinks I’m beautiful no matter how I’ve changed since we first started our lives together. I still cry when he goes out of town for work. He keeps me safe. I keep him wild. “If you think this is as good as it gets, I swear you haven’t seen nothing yet.”

Farewell, Athena | I’ve been pretty involved in my kids’ elementary school for about 7 years now. In the course of my time in the PTA, I’ve formed relationships with quite a bit of teachers and staff members. There is this one teacher who wasn’t a teacher for either of my boys but she definitely holds a special place in my heart. This month she is retiring from her teaching position and she is off to enjoy every moment of her new adventures. I was so grateful to be invited to her retirement party to celebrate her many years of service in education and giving cheers to all the new amazing things she will do outside of the classroom. I will miss your amazing energy and beautiful presence onsite, Athena. Farewell, my Queen.
Schools out.
Love, Fairy Kat.

What a month! So many small and big things that made my heart full. What’s on your list of beautiful moments this September?

My Favorite Moments – August ’23

Hey friends! Back in 2017 I started a series on my blog of my monthly favorite moments. My last Favorite Moments post was back in June 2018. People always talk about their favorite things that bring them joy that I wanted to have a series chronicling my favorite moments that bring me joy. So much has happened since 2018, I thought I’d try and get back into the groove of blogging about these special moments.

Back To School | School is back in session! Look, I loved being with my boys and spending these precious days with them but lord! It was time to get back! Summer was sweet but having school back in session is sweeter. Ha! I now have an 8th grader and a 3rd grader. I love them but it was definitely time for us to give each other back our space. I can tell it was time for them to kick it with their homies and get back to the books. It’s crazy to read the last Favorite Moments post because at that time, Kole has was still in elementary school and Monroe wasn’t even in school yet! Time is just passing us by so damn fast! 😩

Woodhouse Fish Co. | The event planning company I worked for closed down their office in SF in 2021 and I haven’t found my way to that part of the city since the beginning of 2020. One of our favorite lunch spots is, thankfully, still up and running and I was able to enjoy an amazing seafood lunch with the family. I had the special of the day that day, the Lobster Ravioli, and it was delicious! YES. CHEF.
What a great day I had that day. Back at the old stomping grounds, breaking bread with my favorite people at one of our favorite restaurants. It was also so nice to look around the area and let the pre 2020 memories, feelings, and thoughts rush through my mind as we strolled down Fillmore Street.

Haircut | A few years ago I started getting a shag haircut at this salon in the city and I have never strayed away from them since. I did so much research on finding a salon that specializes in razor cut shags and all the stylists share the exact same technique with their own little personal flair. I was lucky enough to try out a few stylists there and have never been disappointed once! Their prices are a little expensive but worth every penny. This style of cut is meant to be low maintenance and grow out quite nicely and after years of the same cut at different lengths, it has proven just that. The cut and service I get from this salon is what keeps me coming back time after time.

What are some moments that brought you joy this month?

Then Comes Marriage.

Marriage is hard. Hard as hell.
Lately I’ve been having conversations with friends and family members, watching Tik Tok storytimes, and reading books that shine a light on marital topics. We’re all at this stage where we’ve been with our partners for many years now and some have pushed through, some are still struggling, and some have been completely wrecked.

My husband and I have finally reached a place where we aren’t fighting every single second of the day. Obviously our marriage didn’t start off like this. When you’re finally out of the honeymoon stage and throw in issues with finances, mental health struggles and children, it can rock the boat. Don’t get me wrong, the fights may have lessened but the fights can still be extreme and passionate. We are both fire signs and we always tend to light shit up. It’s just who we are. Ryan and I definitely don’t have a perfect marriage. It is absolutely far from that. We are both hella hard headed, quick with a temper, and loud as can be. But I think we’ve found a way to be a little better in our communication, which opens us up to be more forthcoming and patient in the last couple of years. We are an absolute work in progress. Honestly, as proud as I am of the couple we have become, these progressions came with a lot of struggle. It came with a good amount of times of us being unkind to each other. We were assholes to each other (and we still can be).

For a long time, we didn’t know how to communicate with each other well. I am the type of person who shuts down during a fight and he wants to keep talking about it no matter the level of anger. He never understood I needed to step away to cool off and separate myself for a bit and I never understood his need to fix things right away. As the years have gone by, we found a way to handle this divide better than we had before. Although he still tries to talk things out right then and there, his approach has evolved to also respect how I am processing the situation. He’s learned to give me the space I need which makes it easier for me to give him the conversation we need. Did we perfect this? No. Do we still make mistakes? Yes, but from what I see, we both have tried to communicate better BEFORE we reach the highest level of battle.

When we have to reveal our feelings to each other, we’ve gotten better not blaming each other for why we feel a certain way. We start off conversations like “Can I tell you something? I don’t want you take this the wrong way…” or “I don’t mean this as disrespect..” or “Can I speak freely?..”
We’ve been married for a while now and we know each other hella well. We know there are things we can say that can come out not as we intended it to. What works for us, is giving each other a warning before we spit out our true thoughts and feelings. Ryan and I are rough around the edges so we know we don’t always sound as soft as we would like. We have also learned to receive this communication as a safe opening to a possible difficult discussion.

Just because my marriage is “on good standing” status right now, it’s not lost on me that it won’t continue to go through waves. We. Are. Human. We’ve seen fun smooth years and we have also seen some years where we both have questioned whether or not we should continue our marriage. But I do know that we both love each other and both love the life we have built together. We love each other enough to know that marriages and relationships can not just survive and thrive off love alone. They also need trust, communication, action, respect, the willingness to grow together, to learn together, and to make changes where changes are needed. I’m sure we will continue to make mistakes and will possibly continue to hurt each other at times. We will probably forget things we learned to have a healthy conversation and revert back to the way we used to be during some fights. But as we currently move through our marriage, we are always trying to do the best we can and that’s how I know we are still a down duo, we are still willing and able to do the work. Together.

Mom. Mommy. Mama. Mimi.

I once was very scared to have children. When I got married, I didn’t even think I would want any kids. Not only was I deathly afraid of being pregnant and birthing a human, I didn’t think I would naturally know what to do or how to love a child. I babysat a couple times at one point but that experience definitely did NOT tickle the ovaries. But once I got pregnant something just clicked. I was going to be a mom and I was….excited.

Now here I am with two children and I wouldn’t know how my life would have turned out if it changed course. I don’t even think I want to know how my life would be if I didn’t have my two boys. Being a mom still comes with crippling fear and anxiety no matter what age they are. I constantly think I am doing all the wrong things and the other half of the time I feel like I don’t even know WHAT I am doing. But what I do know is that I love my kids fiercely and I will do anything and everything for them. It really does take a village to raise these babies and if it wasn’t for these women, past and present, I don’t think I could do it.

And when I have those moments where I question my ability as a mother, I look to the women I admire the most. Not all of them may have children of their own but their maternal instincts are on high and I appreciate them all just the same. I dive into a safe space with all these women and talk about my thoughts and feelings and I appreciate their words and support.

To my mom who shows me that no matter what stage the relationship between mother and child are, the love will always be fierce. My kids never have any doubt how deep and how strong my love for them will always be. I’ve made it a point to have a little mantra with them during the tough times.

“Me: Even if I’m upset…
Them: You still love me?
Me: I still love you.”

To my aunts and grandmothers, who offered me a space to be able to come to them when I just couldn’t go to my mom for whatever reason. They let me vent about whatever was happening in my life and listened like a friend and guided me like a mother.

To the women I have met through my children’s school, the teachers and PTA patnas that have become friends. We have created bonds through these primary school years because our children are going through these growing pains together. We are able to lean on each other since we all are experiencing the same things at the same time. We all know how hard this mom thing is, and we never once thought to judge one another. These women taught me that village isn’t just in blood and I am forever grateful for their love and care for not only me but for my children as well.

Mother in law, sisters in law, mother figures to me, mother figures to my kids, cousins, sisters and other friends. The list of women who make me a better woman and mother is long. I’ve listened to their words and I’ve watched how they move. I have surrounded myself with a whole bunch of badass mamas and I can’t think of a better group of women to help me raise my boys. Thank you, each and every one of you, immensely, for being my village of women.


Kole And The One Three.

Last month my oldest turned thirteen. THIRTEEN. I’ve said this so many times and I’ll keep saying it again and again…Father Time, you are wildin’!!

I remember the day he was born so clearly. I remember all the events that lead up to his birth, all the people who were around me and the conversations I had over the phone. So many funny, scary, and beautiful moments of that time in April 2010. Then we blink. And the year is all of a sudden 2023 and the boy is all of a sudden a teenager.

I admit, I look back in time and I cryyyyy. I want so very badly to carry him in my arms and sing him lullabies. I want him to call me mommy and tell me silly stories in his baby voice. I want him to still look up at me and hold my hand. But all the things that I want, can no longer be.

I look at him and the baby face features are fading. His voice has completely changed, his face doesn’t always light up when he sees me and holding my hand is an absolute NO. GO. I am absolutely terrified of this new stage we have been slowly entering and I have no idea what I’m doing. I feel like all my words and choices are all wrong when it comes to parenting a teenager. I can no longer make decisions I think are best for him. I have to learn to give him the freedom to make those on his own so he can learn all the lessons he needs to learn.

I know it’s time for me to look at my little boy as a young man taking control of his own life. As much as I’m having a hard time with this, I can put a positive spin on it and be completely proud of him for advocating for himself. He’s learning new things about himself and trying to figure out what kind of human he wants to be. He’s trying new things to figure out what makes him happy and what brings him joy.

All the things I get frustrated with about him are things I know could possibly be his strengths. When I offer up a punishment he sits there and questions my choice. He debates with me making sure the “punishment fits the crime”. And he never settles for “because I said so.” In the moment, I’m furious with all of that. But with a clear mind I can see how healthy it is that he knows to fight for himself no matter who he’s fighting with. We just need to work on his delivery. *eye roll* He and I are hella similar, I feel so bad for my own mom. But again, with a clear mind and time, my mom has also seen I will not and never have settled and I will and have always fought for myself in the same way Kole does.

Despite the puberty part of it all, I enjoy seeing the journey of his change. Kole has always had a good heart and I know he is growing up to be a strong, smart, and talented gentleman because he is a strong, smart, and talented young man. With spice. I can’t be all that mad because let’s be a 100, he get it from his mama.

Sweet Somethings.

I don’t like celebrating February 14th much because it just isn’t one of my favorite celebrations. But whenever February rolls around, I do have a little tradition I have with the boys.

It all started in February 2019, Kole was 8 and Monroe was 3. I surprised the boys with a little note each day from February 1st through February 14th.

I would cut pieces of different colored cardstock into hearts and wrote little notes on them. I would write little things that told them what I love about them and every night, for 14 nights, I would tape the heart shaped notes on the wall for them to find and read in the morning. To my surprise, they were just as happy and excited finding the notes as they are about opening up gifts on Christmas Eve night.

That year, we ended up keeping the notes up all year round. As the seasons changed and the next February 1st rolled around, the hearts were taken down only to make room for that year’s set of Love Notes.

The boys have a memory box that they keep each of the notes I wrote for them. It is only in this moment, that I am not going crazy over how much of hoarders they are. They never want to let go of anything! There are times I have to negotiate with them on items they can keep and what they MUST get rid of! Thankfully, these Love Notes are a non negotiable for them.

Alas, February 2023 is here and a whole new set of Love Notes with sweet somethings are ready to be written for them.

To The Boys I Will Love Always. 🤎

Holly Daze. 2018.

This holiday season was sure a busy one for me this year.  Since I started my holiday shopping pretty early this year, I had this idea (from Pinterest of course) to decorate my Christmas gifts my own way.  I bought Kraft paper rolls and used my paint pens to address and decorate the gifts.  Although it took a whole lot of time, it was the most satisfying holiday craft project I’ve done!  It was a great way to put my little personal touch to the holidays!

•     •     •

On to Kole’s class.  If you know me or follow this blog, then you know I can’t let a major holiday/event go with making the class goodie bags.  Last year, I made the kids little snowflake ornaments and this year I knitted mini stockings and stuffed them up with a couple of holiday candies.

His teacher and his classmates thought it was pretty cool and were all smiles so I’d say we had another class Holiday success!


•     •     •

Everyday I start the mornings off with the news on tv.  That may not always be the best idea because of how absolutely depressing the entire world is right now, but it’s always a good idea to keep updated.  While I make breakfast for the boys, Kole is always paying attention to the news as well.  Last year he was so concerned and felt such sadness for the victims of the Tubbs Fire that he asked me if there was something we can do.  (And yes, that made me cry!)  So that was the beginning of a new family holiday tradition.  As a family, we decided to make a donation cup, which Kole decorated himself, and leave the cup in the middle of the dining table during Christmas and ask the family if they’d like to donate.

We are a small family but I know our donations helped a little and it surely did teach the kids in our family that the holidays are not only about all the gifts they receive for themselves but also how small gestures and just the act of love and care can be a huge gift to someone else.  Last year we donated to SonomaStrong Fire Relief and Recovery by Rotary.  2018 news had a whole lot of coverage on the homeless.  It’s sad how many people live on the streets here in the Bay Area, absolutely heartbreaking.  So just like last year, Kole chose a cause and he wanted to try to help the homeless somehow.  Our donations are going to a great organization started and ran by a family friend of ours called, The City Eats.  Ryan has volunteered with this organization and has even brought Kole along to help prep the meals as well.

“Maybe Christmas, he thought, doesn’t come from a store.  Maybe Christmas, perhaps, means a little bit more.” -Dr. Seuss

With the way the world is today, I am doing everything I can to make sure I raise little gentlemen that move through this world with intentions of love and care for others everyday and especially during the holidays.

Hope you all had a magical holiday full of love and lots of Christmas lights!! 


Hello, Ten.

Hello, Ten.

On September 20th, 2008,  a couple of 20 somethings walked down the aisle and vowed promises of forever and always to one another.  That was us.

Ryan and I have always been honest about what our marriage is.  We are very clear that marriage is difficult.  We are no strangers to vocal public fights.  Our close friends and families are always pulled in to hear our testimonies but we never asked them to take sides.  But we try to always ask, “What could I do to make this better?”  Our friends and family know us well individually and as a couple and we have been extremely blessed to have people in our lives that believe in our love and union and support the success of it.

When Ryan and I had the conversation of marriage as an unmarried couple, we both happened to be on the same page.  When we spoke of marriage we talked about the hard work we had to put in.  Marriage is not always easy like Sunday morning.  My main focus was not about my wedding dress.  It was not about my guest list.  It was about making sure that we can make this work for as long as we vowed to make it work for.  Forever.  Forever is a long damn time.  As the times and seasons change, people change.  What we can hope for and what we can fight through is to try to not necessarily change but to grow and hopefully in our journey to grow as individuals we can grow together as husband and wife.  Always.

Last anniversary was the first one in a while where we felt good in our marriage.  Like I say about our marriage when asked, we have good years and we have our unbearable ones.  Years 7 & 8 were rough ones.  We went through a lot as a couple and those two rough ass years had divorce on the tongue.  Our kind side vs. our stubborn side were at a constant battle.  As much as we told ourselves to be kind to our partner the opposite would win and Petty Betty was the name of the game.  We just couldn’t find it in ourselves to come up with solutions and for some reason ONLY knew how to point fingers.  Then last year, around our 9th anniversary, Ryan was out of town for training.  We were getting a little bit better with communicating prior to him leaving and got so much better at it while he was away.  Our outlook on situations and on each other somehow became more positive.  Our kind side wanted a rematch and was on its way to the top.  We wanted this marriage to work, not just for our kids, but for us.

We are doing it.  Every day we are grateful we make it together to the next because not many couples do for one reason or another.  Our story is still open for new chapters.  We made it to ten!  We are still loving and supporting each other and constantly encouraging each other to be and do better.  We still can make each other laugh until we are about to pee our pants.  But most importantly after 10 years of marriage, he still knows exactly how I like my coffee and that is pure love.

Happy, Ten.